Caring About The Things That Actually Matter…

To me, “true health” means caring about the things that are actually markers of good health.

Physical Strength

Not just strong skeletal muscles… strong biceps, glutes and quads etc. are great!

But it is equally important to have strong joints, strong bones and strong heart muscles. Also, we may not think of it as “strength,” but we need strong, properly functioning organs as well!

These are the things that keep us from prematurely aging. This is how we stay capable. These are the things that actually make us FEEL healthy. These are things that are often neglected because we only have so much time in the day and it’s way more exciting to have big muscles that people can see.

Focusing only on skeletal muscle strength leaves so many gaps open in regards to true health and can lead to more physical problems when it comes to training such as muscular imbalances, compensations and possible injuries which will only delay progress.

I also talk about “true strength” a lot during training because some people would prefer to focus on getting it done rather than doing it well and with purpose.

The whole point is to get stronger…to be strong. Phoning it in happens, even if you have all the good intentions.

But if you want to be strong -truly strong- remind yourself every day of why you are doing this.

Mental Strength

Making a lifestyle change that is as big as this requires mental fitness. There will be times when the physical aspects are not enough to keep you going. There will be times when you feel defeated… or plateaued… or unworthy. This is when you will stand in your own way.

If you do not take the time to work on your mental health as if it is just as important as your physical health, you will only be setting yourself back.

I’m not just talking about determination and discipline, but also having the ability to listen to yourself and realize when you need to give yourself a break.

Did you sleep like crap?

Did you not drink enough water the day before?

Are you just feeling sad?

A huge part of this lifestyle change is learning how to love yourself… unconditionally!

Even if you don’t make the lift. Even if you need a day off. Even if you injure yourself.

Start by treating yourself like your own best friend. Don’t hurt your own feelings. Uplift yourself with positive thoughts. Be understanding and supportive. Be grateful and forgiving.

You. Are. Worth. It.

A Nutritionally Dense AND Delicious Diet

We all basically know how to “eat healthy.” We know we need protein and vegetables. We know we should eat a wide variety of colors and flavors. Something we often forget, though, when it comes to “dieting” or “being healthy” is that food is supposed to be enjoyed!

There is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” food either. Take sugar, for example. This is a hot topic right now on all of the interwebs but the thing about sugar (and all other foods) is that the poison is in the DOSAGE. Stay at or under the recommended daily allowance of sugar and YOU WILL BE JUST FINE!

Also, there is a ton of research that supports the idea that cutting foods out of your diet that you enjoy will have the opposite effect of what you’re going for. Restriction not only leads to a poor relationship with food, but can trigger binge eating episodes and other disordered eating habits.

There is a place for EVERY KIND OF FOOD in a healthy diet.

We need protein to build and repair tissues, to oxygenate the blood, to regulate hormones and balance pH, to properly digest food and for transportation and messaging throughout the body.

We need fat for energy storage, vitamin digestion, hormone regulation and cell structure.

We need carbs (which includes fruits and vegetables!) for digestion, for energy, to limit protein breakdown and for cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism.

We need sugar and salt not only to make food taste delicious, but sugar provides quick energy and salt is an integral part of muscle contraction and other cellular functions.

We need to heal our relationship with food! Food is amazing. Food is literally life. Food is DELICIOUS!

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